
Showing posts from 2015

How to Install Dynamics NAV 2015

Pre Requirements Hardware Requirements Hard disk space: 500MB Memory: 1GB Software Requirements Operating System: Windows 8.1 Professional or Enterprise (64-bit edition). Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise (64-bit edition). Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise (64-bit edition). Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard or Essentials (64-bit edition). Windows Server 2012 Standard or Essentials (64-bit edition). Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit edition). Internet Information Server 7.0 or Internet Information Server 8.0. The following features must be enabled: .NET Extensibility in IIS 7.0 or .NET Extensibility 4.5 in IIS 8.0 ASP .NET in IIS 7.0 or ASP .NET 4.5 in IIS 8.0 Server: Windows Server® 2012 R2 64 bit SQL Server 2012 Additional Software: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2. Microsoft Report Viewer 2012  (Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Setup installs these software if it is not already present on the target computer.) Microsoft Dynamics NAV is...

Number Systems

We use numbers not only to show values but also for calculating purposes. So a number system which is easy to manipulate was needed when more complex calculations come across with the evolution of man kind. Different number systems were used in the past with different notations. At the early stages they have used one character such as '1' to represent one unit. this is called as Unary numeral system . As example One 1 Two 11 Three 111 Four 1111 Five 11111 Six 111111 Seven 1111111 Eight 11111111 Nine 111111111 Ten 1111111111 Eleven 11111111111 And when they started counting more lager numbers, using the above number system was impossible so they started using a pattern to count. One 1 Two 11 Three 111 Four 1111 Five 1111 Six 1111 1 Seven 1111 11 Eight 1111 111 Nine 1111 1111 Ten 1111 1111 Eleven 1111 1111 1 In the above number system they have count things by grouping them into five.'  1111  ' symbol is used to represent a gro...


thread θrɛd/ noun 1 . a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving. "he had a loose thread on his shirt" 2 . a theme or characteristic running throughout a situation or piece of writing. "a major thread running through the book is the primacy of form over substance" synonyms: train of thought,  drift ,  direction ,  sense ,  theme ,  subject matter ,  motif , tenor ,  strain ,  thrust ,  subject ,  gist ,  burden ,  action ;  More The general meaning of the term "Thread" is given above. In Computing Thread is a sequence of operations or instructions which runs independently from the other instructions in a particular program. when we write a program in Java, first the compiler execute the instructions given in the main method  as in the given order. if call for a method it will goes to the m...

Access Modifiers in JAVA

Access Modifiers are used to Control the access and to maintain the confidentiality of the classes and it's members. There are two access levels in JAVA where access modifiers are applicable. namely, class level member level In Java we have four access modifiers. namely, Public Protected Default Private Class Level Only Public and Default access modifiers are applicable for class level declaration. public This can be access from anywhere either from the inside of the package or the outside of the package . If a public class needed to be accessed from the outside of the package, it is a must to import that package which contains that class. package test; import access_modifiers . PublicClass ; TestPublic{     PublicClass pc = new PublicClass(); } package access_modifiers ; public class PublicClass { } We are not using the import statement when accessing a class inside the same package. default There is no keyword for the default ...

Keyword 'final' in JAVA

The general meaning of the word 'final is given below as in the google definitions. final ˈfʌɪn(ə)l/ adjective adjective:  final 1 . coming at the end of a series. "the final version of the report was presented" synonyms: last , closing, concluding, finishing,  end ,  ending , terminating,  terminal ,culminating,  ultimate ,  eventual ,  endmost "their final year of study" antonyms: first ,  initial reached or designed to be reached as the outcome of a process or a series of actions and events. "the final cost will easily run into six figures" allowing no further doubt or dispute. "the decision of the judging panel is final" synonyms: irrevocable ,  unalterable ,  absolute ,  conclusive ,  irrefutable , incontrovertible ,  indisputable ,  unappealable ,  unchallengeable , binding ;  More antonyms: provisional ...

Overriding equal method

In java when we use equals method to compare two objects it returns true only if these referring to same memory location. Code public class OverrideEqual{ public static void main(String[] args){ Person p1= new Person("John",17); Person p2= new Person("John",17); if(p1.equals(p2)){ System.out.println("p1 equals to p2"); }else{ System.out.println("p1 is not equals to p2"); } } } class Person{ String name; int age;         Person(String name,int age){; this.age=age; } } Output:  p1 is not equals to p2 So if we want to compare two objects according to the states or values then we have to override the equals method. Code: public class OverrideEqual{ public static void main(String[] args){ Person p1= new Person("John",17); Person p2= new Person("John",17); if(p1.equals(p2)){ System.out.println("p1 equals to p2"); }else{ System.out.println("p1 is not ...

Simple Sorting and Searching Algorithms

Bubble Sort   In bubble sort we compare a adjacent pair of items and swap if they are in incorrect order until all the items are sorted out. Code: public class BubbleSort{ public static void main(String args[]){ int []arr={99,34,23,54,32,10}; bubbleSort(arr); System.out.println("\nSorted Array:"); printArray(arr); } static void bubbleSort(int []arr){ int temp; for(int k=arr.length;k>1;k--){ for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ if(arr[i]>arr[i+1]){ temp=arr[i]; arr[i]=arr[i+1]; arr[i+1]=temp; } } printArray(arr); } } static void printArray(int []arr){ for(int i:arr){ System.out.print(i+", "); } System.out.println(); } } Output: 34, 23, 54, 32, 10, 99, 23, 34, 32, 10, 54, 99, 23, 32, 10, 34, 54, 99, 23, 10, 32, 34, 54, 99, 10, 23, 32, 34, 54, 99, Sorted Array: 10, 23, 32, 34, 54, 99, Linear Search   In linear search we gonna take value by value sequentially until we find the item or until all the items a...


Both the program and related documents on that program together is considered as a software. There is three basic stages when we are developing a program in any kind of language. Design Develop Test To develop computer programs we should select a programming language for that. There are many kind of languages that has been evaluated until now. If we categorize these languages as, machine oriented (Low level Languages) problem oriented (High level languages) In first generations of programming languages they used binary values to program software. So the programmer should have very good knowledge about hardware implementation of the system and how does circuits operates. In second generation languages we used assembly language which used mnemonics (Simple English words) to represent simple instructions such as add, store instead on binary instructions which used in first generation. But still the programmer needed better understanding on machines. Third generation languages...


The ability of an object to behave differently in different forms is called as polymorphism. So the methods have multiple implementations and the compiler or in runtime java will decide which method to execute. If the compiler can decide it, we called it static polymorphism (example: method overloading) while if it is determined in runtime we called it dynamic polymorphism (example: method overriding). Below code is an example for method overriding. Code: public class testPolymorphism{ public static void main(String []args){ Person p1; p1= new Person("John",20);; p1.sleep(); p1= new Student("Merry",16);; p1.sleep(); } } class Person{ String name; int age; Person(String name,int age){; this.age=age; System.out.println(":"+"I'm a Person"); } void eat(){ System.out.println(":"+"Eating..."); } void sleep(){ System.out.println(this.nam...


Inheritance is a concept which allows to create an " is-a relationship " in between two classes. It's similar to partent-child relationship. As example think of a student. Every Student is a Person . So Student inherits every behaviour and attribute which a person have. (this depends on access specifier. As example if the access specifier is private then those fields or methods cannot be inherited by its sub classes.) Code: public class TestInheritance{ public static void main(String []args){ Person p1 = new Person("John",20);; p1.sleep(); Student s1= new Student("Merry",16);; s1.sleep();; } } class Person{ String name; int age; Person(String name,int age){; this.age=age; System.out.println(":"+"I'm a Person"); } void eat(){ System.out.println(":"+"Eating..."); } void sleep(){ System.out.println(